Monday, August 24, 2015

   I have used all types of technology for the majority of my life. To my memory, my first experience was in 3rd grade school when I was enrolled in computer lab. From then on,technology was involved in almost every aspect of my life. On form of technology that is used daily by me, is my cell phone. I also use a computer; sometimes it's for surfing the net, and other times i'm competing homework assignments. At this point life would basically not be possible without it.
  In this class, I hope to learn as much about innovative technology as possible. I would like to master using programs I'm already accustomed to. I would also like to become comfortable using all programs available to me that would be useful in the classroom. I plan on teaching one day, and would love to learn new ways to enhance my students' learning experiences.
  Today, I became aware that I learn in all of the different ways. Although, I am more likely to be more successful in a logical, concrete environment I know I can master any material taught to me in any way. I also learned that there are a lot of ways someone can be taught.

1 comment:

  1. Stephanie- Great post! Also, I like that you've taken the time to change the design of your blog. I use my cellphone daily, too. Cellphones are actually on the rise in educational technology. BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) is a concept that is allowing students to use their cellphones in the classroom as learning tools. I'm glad that you were able to understand more about who you are as a learner through the learning questionnaire. And, you are right, there are SO MANY ways people can be taught.
