Sunday, November 29, 2015

  • SS.912.S.2.12 - Compare and contrast ideas about citizenship and cultural participation from the past with those of the present community.
  • Electronic reference software – I would tell my students that this is the only source they are able to use. They would be restricted to doing research based on peer reviewed articles online.

I believe the internet is an awesome tool when it comes to student research.
There was once a time in history when one could know all of the knowledge in the world. Today, because of the internet and modern technologies that is simply not possible. If used in the right way, the internet holds all knowledge known to man. While it could be fairly easy to receive inaccurate information, if a student is given the right tools the internet can be their best source. The internet is, I think, the best tool, and also the worst.
I have used the internet quite frequently in college as well as grade school. I have also had to use technology for work, by checking my schedule via the online associate website. My methods are fairly simple, and usually easy. Sometimes I do have to do research as well as use online sources for information when doing papers. 
The web hunt assignment was fairly easy, but that could be  because I completed it so late in the course. I feel that I had all of the necessary knowledge to find mostly everything without going to the second google page. The dated Lincoln photo was kind of hard to find, but once I searched the election, I knew a picture would be found. Here are a couple of Web Hunt Questions: 1.) Find a free website that allows you to make quizzes. 2.) Find a photo of MLK that is dated.

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